A perfect sales training workbook for anyone who struggles with selling. BY COACH DAN GORDON

A perfect sales training workbook for anyone who struggles with selling. BY COACH DAN GORDON

Welcome to the Increase Your Sales by 60% in 60 Days website. Coach Dan Gordon created the site as a companion to his book to give you even greater value from every chapter. If you follow his advice, you can become a master salesperson! If you don’t yet have a copy of the book CLICK HERE.

Online Practices:

This is the series of exercises featured in the book. They will help you to retain the learnings of each chapter and improve your sales skills. Click the button to get started.

Schedule a No-Cost Consultation:

Coach Dan Gordon keeps a few spots open every month for no-cost coaching sessions with his readers. Click and you might get lucky and nab one!

The Must-Have Tools Of Technology


This scheduling platform allows you to easily book and keep appointments with your prospects.


This platform is a powerful tool for creating online forms. Great for learning about prospects before a meeting and hundreds of others applications. Get Coach Dan's templates to get a jump-start on using JotForm!

Sales Pipeline and Database

A tool created by Coach Dan for tracking all the steps between your first meeting and closing the deal. Also offers quick access to all vital prospect info.

Entering Your Sales Conversation With Instant Rapport

Movie: Used Cars

Watch Kurt Russell as an unscrupulous used car dealer us Instant Rapport to build trust with his unsuspecting potential customers. DISCLAIMER: We offer this as a lighthearted, fun example ONLY. Coach Dan would NEVER advocate deception over honesty in any business relationship!

Gathering Up Your Twenty-Five Customer Yes’s

Coach Dan's YES Toolbox

In any sales interaction, you want to get your prospects saying YES as often as possible. Coach Dan’s YES Toolbox has over 40 great YES questions you can ask.

Other Networking Resources


Technology Tools

Learn all the ways you can maximize your networking using simple tools of technology that are already in your hand!


Making Networking
Work for You

Coach Dan spills all his secrets on how you can quickly connect with just about anyone to begin building a successful business relationship.



Watch a live Networking demo at one of Coach Dan’s training events. He walks a participant through each step of effective business networking.

Meet Your Coach

Coach Dan Gordon

What could you accomplish if you eliminated the fear of failure and self-doubt?

For over two decades, Coach Dan Gordon has helped thousands of people reach new levels of success by freeing them of their own limitations. In workshops, coaching, books, and large-venue speaking, Dan moves people into the realm of truly living life unlimited! He can help you too!

Schedule a No-Cost Consultation:

Coach Dan keeps a few spots open every month for no-cost coaching sessions with his readers. Click and you might get lucky and nab one!

Connect With Coach Dan Online








Call & Text

Other Books By Coach Dan Gordon

FREE Ebooks. Available for download. Just click the one you want!

Success Mindset an Audio Book

This audiobook can train your brain to think in new ways to bring abundance into your life more easily and effortlessly.

Outrageous Abundance

This guide offers daily practices to open you up to more success, fulfillment, and achieving all the goals you are seeking.

10 Tools for Making Super Easy Sales

Selling can be simple if you know the right way to approach your prospects. Use these 10 tools to rock your sales closing rate!

10 Tips for Picking a Great Speaker

Choosing the perfect speaker isn’t easy. This guide will help you in selecting the right speaker for your audience.

10 Secrets to Finding a Great Coach

Finding a great coach can change your life. This guide will help you select a coach who fits your particular personality perfectly!

10 Ways to Become Super Successful

Looking to increase your success? This guide offers terrific tools to grow your business that won’t cost you a dime!

Print Books. Available on Amazon in print and Kindle. Just click the one you want!

Selling is Bullsh*t

Written specifically for entrepreneurs who HATE selling, this is the ultimate guide to learning the tools of becoming a master salesperson!

Jumping the Gap: Kill Your Story & Take ACTION!

Behind every, “I can’t,” is a story holding you back. This book shows you how to kill all your stories and take action on exciting new opportunities.

Increase Your Sales by 60% in 60 Days

This step-by-step guide shows you how to go from average sales to closing more business than you could ever imagine. All in just 60 days!

Put a Dog on the Cover & See How it Sells

Every buying decision you make starts in the subconscious. Learn to harness the power of your prospect’s minds and grow your sales.

Did You Hate My Book? I’m So Sorry 😢 Let’s Get You Your Money Back!

“As I promised in my NO-BS Guarantee if you hate this book or didn’t find it effective, I definitely want to give you your money back. As I tell all my clients, “Your integrity is the most important thing!” I would NEVER want you to buy a product from me that isn’t 100% valuable to YOU.”

Coach Dan Gordon

 Coach Dan’s No-BS Guarantee:

If you hate my book, don’t find it effective or, for some reason, you changed your mind about wanting to make more money, just click the button to start your refund process.


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Connect with Coach Dan

Reach out by voice or text to his personal cell number